White Light
Black Light
Title: Companions
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Place and date of creation: Jaboticabal/SP, 12/02/19
Identification number: 9131928-5
Dimensions: 30 cm x 20 cm
Provenance: Private collection of Guilherme Campos Costa in Jaboticabal-SP.
Work inspired by the verse of the song “Amor de Índio” by Milton Nascimento: "To dance and walk together in the rain".
In this work I tried to convey the idea of companionship to translate some of the energy of the person that Guilherme, who commissioned this work, is: always friendly, always friendly, always willing to help, a human being who conquers in his way of being.
And to immortalize this quality I conceived some symbologies. The path the companions walk is pink symbolizing love. It is a square, a meeting point for people. It's raining to demonstrate that the true companion is the one who walks with us even in adverse moments.
The streetlights turn on when we turn on the black light, there are two, one further ahead and the other further to convey the message that even distant friends who shine together illuminate the paths of others.
And finally, despite the adversities, in the rain frame, the companions walk carefree, kind of dancing, because they have each other's support. We must not forget to stand together with open hearts. Let's leave behind the fear that keeps us apart and unite in the same cause: to overcome our own barriers that make us create a bad reality for ourselves and for the world.
Let's be each other's companions.