Di che reggimento siete, fratelli?
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White Light
Black Light
RGB lights
Multicolors lights
White and UV lights
To protect the pigments and special inks used in this painting a special varnish was used. In this way, the conservation of the effects and the extension of the useful life of the painting are perpetuated.
Title: Di che reggimento siete, fratelli?
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Place and date of creation: Montegrotto Terme/PD - IT, 05/2022
Identification number: 9192244
Dimensions: Chassis - 40 cm x 40 cm / Painting: 39 cm x 39 cm
Price: € 900 (euro)
You can always change, even in the most difficult moments of our daily battle, the Holy Spirit can enlighten us and make us see the beauty of life, nature, love and peace, and thus transform our reality.
Work inspired by the title of the show by Coro San Pietro di Montegrotto that was presented on June 02, 2022 in Piazza Roma at 21 pm, choir of which I am part singing as bass and which welcomed me with great affection. The works sung in this choir are composed by Antonio Zampieri and conducted by Giuseppe Corso, and living the experience of this show moved me to paint this picture.
Due to the social deprivation caused by the Covid-19 epidemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine, we are all experiencing a moment of internal war that is externalized by current events, and when we ask ourselves the question "which side are you on?" there are only two possible sides: war or peace. And this soldier represented in the image is illuminated by the Holy Spirit who makes him change sides, surrendered by the beauty of a flower (blue and yellow in solidarity with Ukraine).
The soldier's heart is evident in the black light that reveals the action of the Holy Spirit, who speaks to us through our heart. At the same time, the soldier's rifle disappears and the flower stands out, thus showing its strength.
With this scene we can always have a new chance to change and choose the right side, the side of love, nature and peace.