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Black light (UV)

Title: Europa

Technique: Allukimia

Place and date of creation: Casalserugo 31/07/2023

Identification number: 9192363

Dimensions: 39 cm x 27 cm

Materials: Canvas and acrylics

Price: € 690 (euro) 


For me, who lived in Brazil until I was 38 years old and moved to Italy and lived there until I was 40 years old, when I came across European culture I had a very big shock regarding the power of the Ego in the human relationships of Europeans.

I understand that due to many wars and invasions, and scarcity of resources and land, it made it defend its space and thus close itself in castles and burgos, which reflects in a way on people's way of being.

In this picture, I try to show the fragility represented by the black woman who tries to be apathetic to all this exploitation of her person, which, in turn, represents all the "conquered" and exploited peoples, the minorities and the respective abuses and oppressions. The mixed colors that blur are the different flags that so many peoples raise in Europe as a symbol of union between them, but at the same time of separation from other peoples. And these flags are extinguished among themselves and from afar only blurs are seen because the ego destroys collectivity and conscience. And all these flagellated flags begin to erase the figure of the apathetic and tired black woman. Everything is revealed in the ultra violet light when one sees the "I's" said in all the languages of Europe. So the main message is that the ego (the self) destroys the human soul.

This painting was first made with oil paint using traditional techniques and then a painting law of always using "fat over thin" was broken, that is, oil-based paint over water-based paint. In this case, the blurred flags are made with acrylic water-based paint over the oil-based paint of the female figure. An act of revolt by the artist and also of oppression of the human (oil paint) by the material and chemical (acrylic paint), or even subversion of the traditional and the modernity that erases the human being.