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White Light
White Light
Black Light
Black Light
Title: Moms and DadsTechnique: Acrylic on MDFPlace and date of creation: Jaboticabal/SP, 04/26/19Identification number: 9191903Dimensions: 21 cm x 21 cmWork exhibited at the Cultural Tea event of FCAV UNESP campus of Jaboticabal in June 2019.Price: € 360 (euro)
The beautiful mother earth draws the earth with her hair in the form of water, and in the waterfall she hides the mother of waters. The two mothers are one, but the human mind distinguishes them in vision in order to better understand this creative power.⠀Our Lady, patron saint of Brazil, had an image found in the waters of the Paraíba do Sul River by two fishermen, and that's why I portrayed her in the waters of this waterfall, which can also be mama oxum revealing herself more in the black light. The mother earth, pachamama, is looking at the sun that feeds her with her energy. When we cast the black light he turns into the moon, another symbol of the sacred feminine. In this way, we have represented fire (sun), earth (pachamama), water (our lady) and air (moon).⠀Regardless of beliefs, this work speaks a lot about our mothers who feed us and guide our path and the four creative elements that nourish all of life.⠀As an exercise in poetic creation, this painting served as inspiration for the songwriting group to create this poetry:
Na terra dá-se a espumaDos ombros cai o mantoCarinhosa como a plumaNum gesto de acalantoA floresta e as águasDissipando suas mágoas⠀Os olhos da mãe terraConfundem o Sol amareloCrepúsculo que encerraAbrindo um novo eloSaudamos em louvoresA fé que mata as dores⠀On earth there is foamFrom the shoulders the mantle fallsAffectionate as a featherIn a gesture of comfortThe forest and the watersdispelling your sorrows⠀mother earth's eyesConfound the yellow suntwilight that endsopening a new linkwe salute in praisesThe faith that kills the pain⠀@jocarv1984@profbrunoaugusto@andrelrdc@fialhorenata@kakaviolao489
The beautiful mother earth draws the earth with her hair in the form of water, and in the waterfall she hides the mother of waters. The two mothers are one, but the human mind distinguishes them in vision in order to better understand this creative power.⠀Our Lady, patron saint of Brazil, had an image found in the waters of the Paraíba do Sul River by two fishermen, and that's why I portrayed her in the waters of this waterfall, which can also be mama oxum revealing herself more in the black light. The mother earth, pachamama, is looking at the sun that feeds her with her energy. When we cast the black light he turns into the moon, another symbol of the sacred feminine. In this way, we have represented fire (sun), earth (pachamama), water (our lady) and air (moon).⠀Regardless of beliefs, this work speaks a lot about our mothers who feed us and guide our path and the four creative elements that nourish all of life.⠀As an exercise in poetic creation, this painting served as inspiration for the songwriting group to create this poetry:
Na terra dá-se a espumaDos ombros cai o mantoCarinhosa como a plumaNum gesto de acalantoA floresta e as águasDissipando suas mágoas⠀Os olhos da mãe terraConfundem o Sol amareloCrepúsculo que encerraAbrindo um novo eloSaudamos em louvoresA fé que mata as dores⠀On earth there is foamFrom the shoulders the mantle fallsAffectionate as a featherIn a gesture of comfortThe forest and the watersdispelling your sorrows⠀mother earth's eyesConfound the yellow suntwilight that endsopening a new linkwe salute in praisesThe faith that kills the pain⠀@jocarv1984@profbrunoaugusto@andrelrdc@fialhorenata@kakaviolao489
White Light
Black Light