O nascer da consciência feminina

Title: O nascer da consciência feminina

Technique: Acrylic on canvas

Place and date of creation: Jaboticabal-SP-BR, 04/2020

Identification number: 9192032

Dimensions: 40 cm x 30 cm​​​​​​


When I met Selma I had just losted my father and she reconstituted her energy through the sacred feminine. Her short presence in my life was so remarkable that at Easter 2020 I decided to paint this work as a gift for her.

This work brings the moon, female symbol of the sky, entering the sea, symbol of emotions. Pink clouds symbolize the love that surrounds this moment. This reconnection dive of the feminine with her feelings brings healing through consciousness symbolized by the eye that breaks the egg shell, which in itself represents a rebirth.

I hope this painting continues to bring you the reconnection with your energy when you need it most Sel.

White Light

Black Light