White Light
Black Light
Title: Redemption
Technique: Acrylic under canvas with MDF support
Place and date of creation: Jaboticabal/SP, 10/27/19
Identification number: 9131925
Dimensions: 64 cm x 43 cm
Provenance: Private collection of Martins Salazar in Jaboticabal-SP.
How to disarm evil? How to cheer up the weary spirit? How to reorient ourselves on the way? These were my challenges in painting this picture. Always transmit good energies and transmute negative energies.
The Lion of Judah is the picture of the living Jesus and also the truth looking you deep in the eyes. The crosses on Calvary without the crucified because Jesus died for us so that we may have eternal life. He is the way, the truth and the life, in the picture symbolized by the tree of life.
I used shades of orange, red and yellow to enliven the energies of the basic and pubic chakras, the two energy centers that give life more flavor, more strength to overcome challenges.