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White Light

Black Light

Title: Fire ShamanTechnique: Acrylic on MDFPlace and date of creation: Jaboticabal/SP, 04/26/19Identification number: 9191904Dimensions: 21 cm x 21 cm​​​​​​Work exhibited at the Cultural Tea event of FCAV UNESP campus of Jaboticabal in June 2019.Price: 360 (euro)
DESCRIPTION:Only those who participated in some bonfires will understand... When we are in front of a sacred bonfire, we feel our soul rest and the heat comfort our bones. But beyond that, it is a time when our energies are being renewed, and if we are sensitive, we can talk to our guides who advise us and give us strength to overcome life's challenges.In this work, I represent all this, as if the black light revealed the entity of fire. Some see Jesus, others see a shaman, and some see a baboon lol... the important thing is to be aware that we are not alone and that there are good spirits of light to guide us.This work is part of my brother Paulinho's collection, who bought it the morning after I finished it. Gratitude!

White Light

Black Light